Social Security Q&A

Q: I’m retiring early, at age 62, and I receive investment income from a rental property I own. Does investment income count as earnings?

A: No. We count only the wages you earn from a job or your net profit if you’re self-employed. Non-work income such as annuities, investment income, interest, capital gains, and other government benefits are not counted and will not affect your Social Security benefits. Most pensions will not affect your benefits. However, your benefit may be affected by government pensions earned through work on which you did not pay Social Security tax.

Q: I worked for many years before I became disabled, but I didn’t have enough recent work to receive Social Security Disability (SSDI) payments. Instead, I receive SSI. Will I ever receive Social Security payments?

A: It depends. If you have at least 40 quarters of coverage, you can be eligible for Social Security retirement payments beginning at age 62. Additionally, if you are performing some work while you are on SSI, you may become currently insured for disability payments in the future. There are other ways you could become eligible for Social Security benefits, including benefits through a spouse or a divorced spouse.

Q: My son receives SSI payments and I have to report my wages each month. How can I do that?

A: There are multiple ways to report wages to Social Security. The easiest way to report wages if you have access to a smart phone is by using the SSI Mobile Wage Reporting (SSIMWR) app. This app can be downloaded and installed for free through the iTunes Store or Google Play, depending upon your device. Also, you may report wages through the SSI Telephone Wage Reporting (SSITWR) system. If you cannot report through either the SSIMWR or the SSITWR, you may also mail, fax, or bring proof of your wages into your local Social Security office.