When Pigs Fly

Embracing a new title: grandma

By Donna Cordello

Iwould have bet more money that cows really can jump over the moon and pigs can really fly. Because I never, ever thought that it would actually happen. And that if and when it ever did, I’d be in diapers, along with the new life I’ve longed for.

And just when I was ready to throw in the towel altogether, my son and daughter-in-law renewed my faith that dreams can come true.

Because at 67, I’m finally going to be a grandma!

If not for the arthritis and bursitis that wakes me up every morning, I think I can almost do a cartwheel — at least I can in my mind!

At our ages, my husband and I have been praying for sick friends and sorely missing others. What a wonderful blessing this is, when instead of tearfully saying ‘goodbye,’ we will be joyfully saying ‘hello.”

The parents-to-be have already warned us that we can’t spoil our future grandson. And we kind of assured them that we won’t — with fingers crossed behind our backs. Little do they know that my husband is already shopping online in the baby department!

But, honestly, we will make a valiant effort to abide by their wishes. Because I don’t want to do anything that would alter the great relationships that we all have with each other over who is in charge. We’re just going to be the grandparents, who can spoil their grandchild and then send him home. Oops, I’m screwing up already. I’ll work on it!

I want to tell my grandson how much he was wanted before coming into this world. And how lucky he is to have a mommy and daddy, grandparents and an auntie and uncle and a great-grandma, who all can’t wait to meet him.

I want him to learn to appreciate all of his blessings and pray for other children, who don’t have all the advantages he already does. And I know his parents will teach him how the bond of family is more important than designer clothes and that God is not a curse word.

I hope his life is filled with successes, but also some disappointments, because if not, how else would he learn that life isn’t all about getting everything he wants?

I don’t care if he becomes a star athlete or is at the top of his class or even if he is handsome (although I’m sure he will be adorable).

What I care about is that he puts effort into all he does and that he is always kind and thoughtful and just a great human being, like both of his parents.

It’s a scary world at times and I’m trying not to let all the ‘what ifs’ burst my bubble. Because every single generation has been born into uncertain times, whether wars, depression, epidemics or whatever and if those factors prohibited people from becoming parents — none of us would be here.

All I can possibly wish for him is a bright, peaceful and happy and healthy future. And that my son and daughter-in-law will enjoy their new roles, (which I’m sure they will) as much as my husband and I have.

Besides being so excited about welcoming a new life into our family, I’m really happy about something else, too.

When that little one wraps his tiny hand around my son’s finger, he will realize he is actually holding a piece of his heart and will experience a love he has yet to know. And he will finally realize the unconditional love I’ve always held in my heart for him and his brother and sister.

He will understand how much I worried at times when he insisted I was just being crazy. And why I left the outside light on and couldn’t sleep until he returned home.

From frustration to accomplishments, my son and beautiful daughter-in-law will experience all the highs and lows that parenthood brings. There will be times of pure joy and probably some that might not be, because our lives are imperfect and unpredictable.

There will be days when they are completely exhausted. But also, can never imagine their lives without him.

My son will finally understand all the things I’ve tried to explain to him for all these years. That worry and concern doesn’t disappear as the years go by. And instead of love fading with each passing birthday, it only grows stronger.

There isn’t anything I can think of that’s more wonderful and joyous than welcoming a new life into this world. And I can’t wait to hold that baby in my arms and enjoy and share all the milestones in his life.

At long last, I’m going to have a new title that I will forever cherish.

I’m going to be a grandma!

And pigs can fly!

Donna Cordello, 67, is a freelance writer who lives in Penfield. She can be reached at donnacordello@aol.com.